Friday, January 31, 2014

ExaWatcher in X4-2 Exadata

The new old product appeared in the Exadata - ExaWatcher, documentation is in note 1617454.1.

It can monitor IB switches and databases.

The new path is like the old OSW path :  /opt/oracle.ExaWatcher

What it can monitor ?  These files are directories in the /opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/archive:


ExaWatcher saves files in the / file system (/opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/archiv is the / FS), / size is 30g .
It runs these cmds respectively and fill the directories above :

iostat -t -x
cat /sys/class/net/ib0/carrier;/bin/cat /sys/class/net/ib1/carrier;/usr/sbin/ibstatus;/usr/bin/ibv_devinfo;/sbin/ifconfig -a | /bin/cat
/opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/  -  делает cat/proc/$pid_LGWR/schedstat
top -b
ps -eo flags,s,ruser,pid,ppid,c,psr,pri,ni,addr,sz,wchan,stime,tty,time,cmd
netstat -a -i -n; netstat -s; netstat -n -p -l
/opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/ 2>/dev/null
mpstat -P ALL
lsof +c0 -w +L -b -R -i; lsof +c0 -w +L -b -R -U; lsof +c0 -w +L1 -b -R
/opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/ 2>/dev/null
cat /proc/meminfo
cat /proc/slabinfo
/opt/MegaRAID/MegaCli/MegaCli64 fwtermlog dsply -a0

There is difference between original OSW and Exadata versions (OSW and EW).
Original OSW store historical files in the *.dat, but the Exadata's version store files in bzip2 :

[root@ed02dbadm01 oracle.ExaWatcher]# ls -l archive/RDSinfo.ExaWatcher/
total 15224
-rw-r----- 1 root root   5136 Dec  8 10:08
-rw-r----- 1 root root   5438 Jan 23 16:02
-rw-r----- 1 root root   4998 Jan 23 17:02 


But currenly writing file is *.dat.

How long  store the history:  looking the code
I see that deleting is triggered when file system / is filled 80% . This code choose the one oldest file in each directory and delete it. And run this cycle again until / is 20% free.

The log for deleted files: /opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/log/OldFilesDeleted.log

 And the processes are:

[root@ed02dbadm01 ~]# ps -ef|grep -i ExaWatcher
root      12753      1  0 14:58 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash ./ --fromconf
root      16161  12753  0 14:59 ?        00:00:04 /usr/bin/perl /opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/ /opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/ExaWatcher.execonf
root      16237  16161  0 14:59 ?        00:00:00 sh -c /usr/bin/iostat -t -x  5  720 2>/dev/null >> /opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/archive/Iostat.ExaWatcher/
root      16259  16161  0 14:59 ?        00:00:00 sh -c /usr/bin/top -b -d 5 -n 720 2>/dev/null >> /opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/archive/Top.ExaWatcher/
root      16312  16161  0 14:59 ?        00:00:00 sh -c /usr/bin/mpstat -P ALL  5  720 2>/dev/null >> /opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/archive/Mpstat.ExaWatcher/
root      16557  16161  0 14:59 ?        00:00:00 sh -c /opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/ 1386431083 1701963863 3600 /opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/archive/ 3145728 2>>/dev/null
root      16558  16557  0 14:59 ?        00:00:00 /bin/bash /opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/ 1386431083 1701963863 3600 /opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/archive/ 3145728
root      30003  16161  0 15:33 ?        00:00:00 sh -c /usr/bin/vmstat  5  2 >> /opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/archive/Vmstat.ExaWatcher/

You can see the some input numbers for the cleaner: 1386431083 1701963863 3600 /opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/archive/ 3145728 2>>/dev/null

I think first 2 are the StartTime and EndTime for this script. So the ExaWatcher is supposed to work in time between

[root@ed02dbadm02 oracle.ExaWatcher]# date --date @1386431083
Sat Dec  7 19:44:43 MSK 2013
[root@ed02dbadm02 oracle.ExaWatcher]# date --date @1701963863
Thu Dec  7 19:44:23 MSK 2023

3600 - is cycle length. CleanupInterval.
/opt/oracle.ExaWatcher/archive/ - place for historical files
3145728 - the maximal size of archive directory in KB. SpaceLimit.

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